Change my life with the help of App

Teatime with Myself
2 min readSep 12, 2021


How did productivity tools affect my life?

It has been more than a week since I’ve started using todo mate app. My friend introduced it to me and it was a whole new experience with a productivity app which has features both of Instagram and Wunderlist. I can get reactions from my friends for the task I cleared. A feeling of being monitored by my friends motivates me to complete a backlog of tasks. Furthermore, peeking at those of my friends’ summons up an inspiration to be more productive just like them. It was just like an Instagram fraught with healthy social pressure.

While using it, I came to realize that I value social face more than I thought. Leaving unfinished task behind felt pretty shameful even after finishing other multiple tasks apart from that. My want to be acknowledged by my acquaintances pressed me on to make the most of my time. Additionally, I subscribed to some of productivity tools including Freedom, Focus@Will and Calm from a recommendation list of a person whom I think as my productivity mentor. So far, I’m satisfied with the help they are giving me regarding productivity. My focus level shot up and time spent on scrolling SNS or Youtube plummeted.

The positive effect in my life these tools are giving me is beyond what I anticipated. A lot of compliments I got from my friends for finishing my daily task became a component of a positive reinforcement which pushes me further to work around the clock. Despite the fact that I have a limited time to finish my work, I proceed to carry out to prove my friends that what I’ve accomplished so far is not a sheer ephemeral one. It also elevated my self esteem that I keep promises to myself. I’ve never felt this proud of myself in recent months.

I’ll determined to hold on to these good habits so that it could carry me through the end of this year. Since I presumed that I will have a fat chance of changing persisting bad habits if I can’t do it on my own, I’ve resorted to a sheer motivation to salvage the situation in lieu of seeking means to change the system. It’s not surprising that continuous fail was the only result I got. Only after I set my circumstances propitious to ameliorate productivity, I got the result I’ve desired for long. I’ve came to realize that I’m the one who is able to galvanize myself into life, but only when I don’t put the whole responsibility on myself. Instead, numerous tools are available that I can make use of to change my life for the better, and it turned out to be worth to try. Now, I look forward to discovering how far I can go with these productivity tools at the end of this year.

